Case Studies- I


You are posted as an IAS probationer in a district as a part of your district training. You are about to leave to inspect a site of road when you receive a call from your college mate. He informs you that his father as a contractual agreement has laid down the road construction you are to inspect today. He requests you to be lenient on the ground that it was a naxal infested area and so fearing life the work has been done hurriedly over months. He informs you that his father was under constant fear of his life as the police protection he sought from the department was not extended to him. So this may have compromised on the cent percent quality of the project.

Bringing out the various dilemmas in your mind determine your action and justify.




You are posted as a food inspector in a district that locates a famous university. Many students from adjoining rural and urban areas stay in that city along with its local students. As the college hostel could not accommodate all, lot of students stay in rented accommodation and eat at local inns and Dhabas. All the eating joints have already been briefed about the hygiene standard that they need to maintain. Inspite of this there have been repeated complaints which include the following:

i.         Very poor maintenance and unhygienic conditions in most of the hotel kitchens.

ii.         The negligent attitude of servers, at times serving stale foods.

iii.         Significant adulteration in the food being served to maximize benefits.

iv.         A nexus between vegetable sellers and the hotel owners where the latter gets the partial rotten vegetables at much cheaper rates.

v.         There also exists a notorious union of hotel owners that puts undue pressure and resents any reformative step by the Food department.

Ponder over the situation and suggest effective ways to tackle each of the above-mentioned problems.




You are a responsible citizen having some work with one of the government department. To get the work done you have been visiting the office again and again. Everytime you visit the office the concerned official assures you of getting it done but contingent to greasing his palm. You have no extra money to pay him but you also want the work to be done.
What would you do and why?




A subordinate’s leave for application for his daughter’s marriage, which was organized out of town, was rejected. The superior refused on the grounds that work would suffer in his absence for two weeks, and instead, granted the subordinate only a week’s paid leave. At the end of the sanctioned period of leave (i.e a week), from the venue of his daughter’s marriage, the worker sent a medical certificate to the manager stating that he had been taken ill and was advised a week’s rest. The subordinate produced his medical certificate, to explain the delay and continuation of leave.

In your capacity as the superior what would you do and Why?



You suspect someone in the office is working against you. Your paranoia gets the better of you. You’re put in defensive mode, and you begin actively working against the purported offender. What would you do and why?



Mr X working in accounts section of a Government office, lost his job for refusing to adjust a sheaf of false bills forwarded by his managing director. He could not muster enough courage to draw the attention of the Board of Directors because he knew it could lead to a protracted legal tussle and he didn’t have the resources to sustain a legal battle with its erstwhile employer. He is also aware of the fact that people seldom come to the rescue of an employee who blows the whistle.

Under such circumstance what would you do and why?



Your friend and you have prepared together for the civil services examination. You have shared your joys and sorrows and have been each other`s confidante. Both of you cleared the first two stages of examination together and appeared for the personality test. However, just before the declaration of final result you came to know from other sources that your friend has falsely represented his success in the previous two stages and it has earned him a bad name among the acquaintances. Your credentials are also being doubted now, which means a lot to you. What would you do and why?




You are a traffic inspector. A man stops his car in a no stopping zone on a busy street, hurries in to shop, makes few purchases and rushes out. Observing this across the road as a traffic cop you not only write out a challan but also called a tow truck, to which his duster is now being hitched. Seeing this the man explodes in rage and starts screaming and yelling at you, pounding the hood of the truck with his fist. You find yourself visibly ruffled over the scene and teaching him a lesson come to your mind.
Delineate your following course of action from here on.

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